Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Skin disorders and sexually transmitted diseases

    The teaching of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases aims primarily to provide the basics of anatomy and physiology of the skin, of visible mucous membranes and skin appendages, whose knowledge is essential for a correct clinical and diagnostic assessment. The student is then guided to the identification and classification of primary skin lesions and of the corresponding cutaneous disorders. In addition, the basic knowledge of the most modern diagnostic techniques allowing a rational and correct diagnosis will be provided. The histopathological correlations and the appropriate treatment options will also be considered. The course will finally focus on occupational dermatoses, skin cancer, and venereology (sexual transmitted diseases).

  • Endocrinology

    To provide essential knowledge on the physiopathology of endocrine diseases


    Functions and Organization of the Respiratory System. Diagnostic procedures and respiratory functional evaluation. Pathogenesis and clinical aspects of the main respiratory diseases.

Course Structure

  • Skin disorders and sexually transmitted diseases

    Lessons and clinical cases.

  • Endocrinology

    Slides and conversation


    Slides presentation

Detailed Course Content

  • Skin disorders and sexually transmitted diseases

    Anatomy of the skin

    Semiology of the skin, diagnostic techniques

    Primary, secondary and pathognomonic skin lesions

    Erythematous dermatoses (Rosacea, Fixed drug eruption)

    Macular dermatoses (Vitiligo, Vascular malformations)

    Wheals and urticarial erythematous lesions (Urticaria, Erythema multiforme)

    Vesicular dermatoses (Atopic dermatitis, Contact dermatitis, Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster)

    Bullous dermatoses (Impetigo, Pemphigus vulgaris, vegetans, foliaceus and seborrhoeic, Bullous pemphigoid, Dermatitis herpetiformis, Herpes gestationis, Linear IgA dermatitis, Mucous membrane pemphigoid, Epidermolysis bullosa)

    Pustular dermatoses (Acne vulgaris, Pyodermitis)

    Papular dermatoses (Lichen ruber planus, Tuberous sclerosis, Human Papillomavirus infections, Molluscum contagiosum, Seborrhoeic keratosis)

    Nodular dermatoses (Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Kaposi’s sarcoma, Haemangiomas, Erythema nodosum, Neurofibromatosis)

    Erythematous-desquamative dermatoses (Psoriasis, Erythroderma, Seborrhoeic dermatitis, Pityriasis rosea)

    Ectoparasitoses (Scabies, Pediculosis)

    Fungal infections (Tinea, Candidiasis, Pityriasis versicolor)

    Connective tissue diseases (Systemic lupus erythematous, Discoid lupus erythematous, Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis)

    Benign and malignant melanocytic lesions (Congenital and acquired nevi, Melanoma)

    Precancerous lesions, In situ carcinomas and Invasive carcinomas (Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma)

    Sexual transmitted diseases (Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Non-gonococcal urethritis, Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma venereum)

  • Endocrinology

    Main disease relative to endocrine glands (Thyroid, Adrenal, Diabetes, Obesity)


    Respiratory physiology and functional testing

    Asthma and COPD


    Acute and chronic respiratory failure

Textbook Information

  • Skin disorders and sexually transmitted diseases

    G. Micali, M.C. Potenza, G. Fabbrocini, G. Monfrecola, A. Tosti, S. Veraldi (eds.) Le basi della dermatologia. Seconda Edizione. Springer-Verlag Italia. Milano, 2014.

  • Endocrinology

    FS Greenspan, Endocrinology, 2000


    Harrison’s Principi di Medicina Interna – McGraw-Hill 18° ed

    Rugarli C. Medicina Interna sistematica- Masson Ed