Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Work and Organizational Psychology

    The Psychology of work and organizations: definitions and differences; history and origin of the psychology of work; fields of application and intervention areas of the psychology of work: Personnel Selection Office (application and research in human resource management); professional orientation (relationship between attitudes and professional success); training (transmission and acquisition of technical and professional knowledge); Ergonomics (relationships between man and his working environment); interactions between the individual and the organization; job analysis (examination of human behavior and its transformations in the workplace); Safety and accidents (causes traceable in the tools used in the subjective or predisposition). The discomfort and psychosocial risks at work (occupational stress, mobbing, burnout); as a nurse; nurse in the emergency services; the nurse in primary care; the nurse in intensive care; the nurses in end of life care.

Textbook Information

  • Work and Organizational Psychology

    Psicologia per l’infermiere delle moderne strutture ospedaliere”. A cura di Maria Pia Viaggiano. Ed. Carocci Faber. Roma, 2015