Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 10
Taught classes: 70 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • midwifery

    The second-level degree programs are built on the basis of critical thinking developed in the undergraduate studies. The development of leadership skills will enable descend to identify problems in clinical practice, the features, requirements, and the delivery systems of care in the discipline principals (MED / 47)

  • Pediatrics

    General paediatrics deals with the overall health (e.g., physical, mental and social health) and with the study of prevention of diseases during childhood, i.e., during the developmental age; with developmental age we mean the period between the prenatal age (i.e., the three phases preceding birth) and the end of the natural process of physical growth and cognitive maturation (which, according to the European standards ends up at age 18 years and by the USA standards ends up at about age 20-22 years.

    Specifically, this teaching deals with:

    (a) Physiology and development of the neonate (including topics dealing with neonatal pathology), the child and the adolescent;

    (b) Prevention paediatrics, i.e., all medical acts and activities aimed to reduce mortality secondary to given diseases and morbidity (i.e., the frequency of given diseases) in children;

    (c) Specialty paediatrics, i.e. all acute and chronic diseases affecting various organs during the developmental age: cardiology, respiratory medicine, gastroenterology, neurology, haematology, oncology, endocrinology, rheumatology, infectious diseases, and dermatology;

    (d) Social paediatrics, i.e., health problems catering from the overall childhood community (prevention ans community medicine)


    The course aims to provide the bases and fundaments of: (a) anatomy and physiology during development; (b) prevention and social medicine during development; (c) health education and understanding of diseases during childhood and adolescence and of the main acute and chronic conditions physically or mentally disabling children or interfering with their learning processes.

Course Structure

  • midwifery


  • Pediatrics

    Academic lessons are mainly performed with slides showing drawings, figures and images. Students are encouraged to take active part during the lessons.

    Student can request to train in the clinical unit; these practical laboratories are based at the AOU "Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele" - via s. Sofia, 78 (Policlinico)

Detailed Course Content

  • midwifery

    1. Reorganization of health points (new national and regional directives 2015).
    2. The concept of risk, continuity of care and health promotion in pregnancy. Purpose, Goals and the role of the midwife. The exclusion factors. Legislation. diagnostic screenings: prenatal diagnosis, blood tests, serological and microbiological tests for infectious diseases. clinical procedures, diagnostic and obstetrical ultrasound. Controls.
    3. Perinatal Organization.
    4. Characteristics of principals and requirements for care to the pregnant woman and the woman in labor.
    5. pregnant controls.
    6. Labor and Delivery.
    7. Characteristics and general requirements of principals for the care of the newborn.
    8. Cure in the delivery room.
    9. Resignation of the newborn.
    10. Transport perinatal
    11. medical aspects - legal.
    12. Training obstetrician.
    13. Protocols and Guidelines of the Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine and International companies.
    14. Epidural analgesia: guide - lines for the obstetric staff.
    15. Equipment for the perinatal transportation.
    16. Analysis of the legislation with particular reference to obstetric health care profession (Ministerial Decree 14 September 1994, n. 740) in its areas treated) of competence.
    17. Analysis of the objectives of the practical activities carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively in the application of the relevant of the 'European Union standards, in reference with the educational standard of EEC Directive 80/154/155.

  • Pediatrics


    The healthy newborn

    The newborn infant and newborn care

    Low birth weight newborn

    Post-term newborn

    Birth defects

    Birth trauma

    Neonatal asphyxia

    Neonatal jaundice

    Neonatal seizures

    Neonatal coagulopathies

    Neonatal infections

    Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

    Intensive neonatal care


    Preventive Pediatrics

    Pediatric primary care

    Normal growth and development

    Feeding: infant, toddler, child and adolescent.

    Breast feeding

    Milk formula


    Neonatal screening





    General Pediatrics

    Growth failure

    Infectious diseases

    Cystic fibrosis

    Celiac disease



    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

    Mendelian diseases

    Seizures and epilepsy

    Pediatric Hematology

    Normal hematology values trough childhood


    Sickle Cell Disease

    Iron deficiency anemi



    Introduction to Pediatric Oncology

Textbook Information

  • midwifery

    "Requisiti e raccomandazioni per l'assistenza perinatale" Società italiana di Medicina Perinatale

    Organizational models in obstetrics (slides)