Psychological and pedagogical sciencesModule Pedagogia generale e sociale
Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: PAOLINA MULE'Expected Learning Outcomes
The course intends to offer a theoretical and practical framework of the pedagogy of the helping relationship, as a corpus of knowledge inescapable for reflection on the interpersonal doctor-patient relationship, healthcare professionals and patient and on the family-health professional relationship. Furthermore, it aims to help students develop transversal skills to promote the processes of psycho-physical well-being of the patient
Required Prerequisites
Textbook Information
- Avellino A, a cura
di, Pedagogia e didattica per le
professioni sanitarie. Teorie, metodi, applicazioni, UTET, Milano
- Mulè P., Ruolo e competenze del tutor nella relazione educativa tra docente e studente universitario non udente, Cooperativa Sociale Ragazzi in Volo a.r.l. Onlus, Catania 2012
- Sammaruga M., Comunicare con il paziente, Carocci Roma 2005