Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • General Education

    The course aims to achieve the following training objectives:

    - Being aware of their communication and relational methods

    - Knowing the interweaving of emotional and cognitive processes in communication and interpersonal relationships

    - Know how to create climate and active listening contexts

    - Knowing verbal and non-verbal communication: reference theories Education for communication and authentic relationship

    - Knowing the relational models doctor / physiotherapist / patient

    - Know problem solving

    - Know how to analyze case studies and problem solving

    - Knowing the functions and the role of the physiotherapist / tutor

    - Know the functions and skills of the Tutor

    - Know the laws and the tutoring debate in Italy and in Europe

  • Work and Organization Psychology

    Developing an organic knowledge of the interactions concerning to organizational systems and the role of the variables influencing) the working behavior in organizations

  • Clinical Psychology

    Providing students with the necessary theoretical fundamental notions to apply the basics of clinical psychology to professional nursing practice in order to manage knowledgeably and purposely the relationship with patients and their families


    Some classical themes of scientific psychology will be addressed and points of contact between psychology, biology and neuroscience will be identified. During the lectures will be provided updated knowledge on some of the main areas of investigation of general psychology and highlighted application areas. Individual and group exercises will aim to foster critical knowledge and independent reflection on the topics covered.

Course Structure

  • General Education

    Teaching will take place through lectures, group work, simulate and problem solving analysis.

  • Work and Organization Psychology

    Interactive lecture and discussion on cases

  • Clinical Psychology

    Interactive lecture and discussion on clinical cases


    frontal lessons and exercises

Detailed Course Content

  • General Education

    The epistemological debate of pedagogy

    The frontiers of education

    Communication theories

    Elements and functions of communication

    Communication in context and in contexts

    The axioms of communication Verbal and non-verbal language

    Communication skills

    The art of listening and observing empathy T

    he meta-communication


    Communication and educational relationship

    The obstacles of communication relational skills

    Communication in the working group

    Beyond "the frames" of which we are a part Educating for authentic communication.

    Problem solving

    The tutorial function

    The models of mentoring Tutoring in Italy and in Europe

  • Work and Organization Psychology

    Introduction to Occupational Psychology

    Classical theories

    Neoclassical theories

    Theories about complexity

    Group, working group, group work


    Negotiation in Organizations

  • Clinical Psychology

    Birth and affirmation of clinical psychology

    Psycho-diagnostic examination: aims and instruments

    Interview and tests

    Psychopathology and theoretical perspectives

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

    Mental disorders


    Introduction to General Psychology: Historical outline The perception Emotions Intelligence Human communication Mental distress and emotional implications of the disease and the relationship of help Stress Health and Coping

Textbook Information

  • General Education

    - M. Sammaruga, Comunicare con il paziente, Carocci Roma 2005

    - P. Mulè, Ruolo e competenze del tutor nella relazione educativa tra docente e studente universitario non udente, Cooperativa Sociale Ragazzi n Volo a.r.l. Onlus, Catania 2012

  • Work and Organization Psychology

    Psicologia del lavoro nelle organizzazioni, Gabassi P.G., Franco Angeli

  • Clinical Psychology

    Psicologia clinica, E. Sanavio, C. Cornoldi, Il Mulino


    Atkinson & Hilgard’s, Introduzione alla Psicologia, Piccin 2017 Origini storiche pag. 7-10; percezione del dolore pag.141-143, pag.161-163; percezione e attenzione pag. 155-159; Emozioni cap. II; Intelligenza pag. 451-453; pag.458-466 . Stress e coping cap. 14

    B. Cannella, P. Cavaglià, F. Tartaglia L’infermiere e il suo paziente, Casa ed. Ambrosiana 2001 pag.22-27, pag. 35-47. Pag. 65-71.

