Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year- PEDAGOGIA GENERALE E SOCIALE: Paolina Mulè
- psychology of work and organizations: Tiziana Lo Castro
- Clinical Psychology: Annalisa Maria Grazia Lo Magno
- PSICOLOGIA GENERALE: Gabriella Toscano
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
- psychology of work and organizations
Provide useful elements to the knowledge of fundamental theoretical concepts and the origins of the psychology of work and organizations, contextualizing the discipline within its specific fields of application. To deepen the knowledge of the variables that are subject to the working logic and which influence their professional success, both in terms of productivity and in terms of psychological and relational satisfaction. Lead to the understanding of specific dynamics that are found within a working group; examine the problems that may arise in relation to work and the related psycho-social risks.
- Clinical Psychology
Providing students with the necessary theoretical fundamental notions to apply the basics of clinical psychology to professional nursing practice in order to manage knowledgeably and purposely the relationship with patients and their families
Detailed Course Content
- psychology of work and organizations
The Psychology of Work and Organizations: definitions and differences; history and origin of the psychology of work; fields of application and intervention areas of occupational psychology: selection of personnel (application and research in the management of human resources); professional orientation (relationship between attitudes and professional success); training (transmission and acquisition of technical-professional knowledge); ergonomics (relations between man and his working environment); interactions between the individual and the organization; task analysis (examination of human behavior and its transformations at work); safety and accidents at work (causes that can be found in used instruments or subjective predisposition). Work motivation; discomfort in work and psychosocial risks (occupational stress, bullying, burnout); structural variables of the organization; the comunication; groups and intersubjectivity; read and manage conflict in organizations; emergency management.
- Clinical Psychology
Birth and affirmation of clinical psychology
Psycho-diagnostic examination: aims and instruments
Interview and tests
Psychopathology and theoretical perspectives
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Mental disorders
Textbook Information
- psychology of work and organizations
L. Anolli Psicologia della comunicazione, Il Mulino, 2002
P. Argentero,C.G.Cortese, C.Piccardo Psicologia del lavoro, Raffaello Cortina Editore
P. Argentero, C.G. Cortese, C. Piccardo. Psicologia delle organizzazioni. Raffaello Cortina Editore
Z. Bauman, “Homo consumens. Lo sciame inquieto dei consumatori e la miseria degli esclusi”, Ed. Erickson, 2007
M. Chiaranda, Urgenze ed Emergenze. Istituzioni. Ed. Piccin, 2009
G.Costa, Giannecchini M., Risorse umane, persone, relazioni e valori. McGraw-Hill, 2005
S. Freud, Psicologia delle masse ed analisi dell’Io. Ed. Bollati Boringhieri, 2010
P. G. Gabassi, Psicologia del lavoro nelle organizzazioni. Ed. Franco Angeli, 2003
F. Petruccelli, I. Messuri, M. Santilli. “Bilancio di competenze e orientamento professionale e scolastico. Dalla pratica alla teoria: l'esperienza della provincia di Latina”. Ed. Franco Angeli, 2012
R. Trabucchi “Incerti, flessibili, ma soprattutto liquidi” articolo
- Clinical Psychology
Psicologia clinica, E. Sanavio, C. Cornoldi, Il Mulino