Psychological and pedagogical sciences
Module Psicologia generale

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: FRANCESCA IRENE FOTI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding. The course aims to enable students to acquire fundamental knowledge a) on the origins and historical development of psychology; b) on methods of psychology; c) on cognitive and emotional functioning as well as personality. Overall, the course aims to provide basic knowledge of the main topics of general psychology and the psychological processes underlying human behaviour.

Applying knowledge and understanding. Knowledge of the main topics of general psychology gained through understanding the current theoretical, experimental, empirical, and applied developments of the discipline.

Making judgements. Ability to argue personal interpretations inherent to the study of the mind and behaviour.

Communication skills. Ability to use the basic vocabulary of the discipline.

Learning skills. Ability to deepen and update one's knowledge independently, employing specialized literature and appropriate bibliographical resources.

Course Structure


Required Prerequisites

For the "formal" prerequisites, consult the teaching regulations of the reference cohort available on the dedicated page

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

  • Introduction to psychology and research methods
  • Sensation and perception
  • Attention
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Emotion
  • Personality

Textbook Information

Gerrig Richard J., Zimbardo Philip G., Anolli Luigi M., Baldi Pier Luigi. Psicologia generale – Terza edizione, Pearson, 2023. 


Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to psychology and research methodsChapter 1
2Sensation and perceptionChapter 3
3AttentionChapter 4
4LearningChapter 5 
5MemoryChapter 6 
6Emotion Chapter 10 
7PersonalityChapter 11 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

 The assessment of learning takes place through a final exam, which ascertains the acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills via an oral exam.

Below are the evaluation criteria:

a) relevance of the answers to the questions asked; b) quality of contents; c) ability to connect with other topics covered in the programme; d) ability to report examples; e) property of technical language; f) overall expressive ability of the student.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions will focus on all topics covered in the course.

By way of example only, some sample questions are given below:

Sample question 1: Describe long-term memory

Sample question 2: Describe the law of effect

Sample question 3: Describe what personality is and how it is measured