Biomedical sciences
Module Applied Clinical Microbiology

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Adriana GAROZZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course of Microbiology aims to provide to the students the basis to understanding the biological and pathogenic characteristics of microorganisms that play a role in human pathology.

At the end of the present course the student must acquire appropriate knowledge:

a) on the infections caused by the different pathogens in the different human anatomical districts;
b) on the principles of the laboratory tests in diagnosis and identification of pathogenic microorganisms, including appropriate specimen collection.

The course also aims to illustrate the various methods of prevention of microbial infections and the main causes of infection related to specific professional activity.

Course Structure

Traditional lectures, with the support of slides and educational videos of some theoretical-practical topics.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Introduction to Microbiology: the pathogenic mechanisms of microorganisms, microorganism-host relationships.
  2. The bacteria: the organization of the bacterial cell; mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis: role of bacteria in disease.
  3. Fungi: fungal cell structure; mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis.
  4. Virus: Characteristics of virus and their replication; mechanisms of viral pathogenesis; types of viral infection: acute and persistent infection.
  5. The antimicrobial chemotherapy: the main characteristics of antimicrobial drugs and their mechanisms of resistance.
  6. Vaccines.
  7. General principles of laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases.
  8. Infections of the skin, bones and joints.
  9. Infections of the uro-genital tract.
  10. Infections of the fetus and the newborn.
  11. Infections of the Respiratory tract. Tubercolosis.
  12. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Infections of the nervous system.
  14. Opportunistic and nosocomial infections.

Textbook Information

Cevenini R.. Sambri V., Microbiologia e microbiologia clinica, Per i Corsi di Laurea in professioni sanitarie – Ed. Piccin

All students can use didactic material downloadable from the Studium UniCt page.