Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: MARCO IRACI SARERI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The lessons will mostly be lectures, assisted by the use of videos and slides. These are interactive lessons in which the student can discuss with the teacher for any clarification. To ensure better learning, after each lesson students will be given the slides of the lesson they have taken and the following one.

Course Structure

The lessons will mostly be lectures, assisted by the use of videos and slides. These are interactive lessons in which the student can discuss with the teacher for any clarification. To ensure better learning, after each lesson students will be given the slides of the lesson they have taken and the following one.

Required Prerequisites

It would be useful for students to be aware of the main nutritional needs of the individual and the nutritional principles of individual foods, so as to make the lesson interactive. Students will in fact be able to interact more easily with the teacher and make the lesson more constructive.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at lessons is mandatory.

Detailed Course Content

  • Outline of female anatomy and ovarian hormonal function and reproductive function
  • Outline of fetal and placental development
  • Maternal nutrition and fetal growth
  • DHA
  • Alcohol and pregnancy
  • Infectious diseases in pregnancy related to diet
  • Hypovitaminosis and pregnancy
  • Thyroid dysfunction and pregnancy
  • Diabetes and pregnancy: fetal and maternal risks
  • Environmental pollutants and reproductive risk
  • Nutrition in patients with endometriosis
  • Nutrition in patients with PCOS
  • Menopausal diet

Textbook Information

'' Compendium of Gynecology and Obstetrics '' by Carmine Nappi and Giovanni Tommaselli of Idelson-Gnocchi for the basics of gynecology and obstetrics.

Canadian Consensu on female Nutrition: Adolescence, Reproduction, Menopause and Beyond; PMID: 27368135; DOI: 10.1016/j.jogc.2016.01.001

Teaching material provided by the teacher for in-depth studies concerning food.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Cenni di anatomia femminile e della funzionalità ovarica e riproduttiva
2Cenni di sviluppo fetale e placentare
3Nutrizione materna e crescita fetale
5Diabete e gravidanza: rischi fetali e materni
6Malattie infettive in gravidanza correlate all'alimentazione
7Inquinanti ambientali e rischio riproduttivo
8Alcool e gravidanza
9Disfunzione tiroidea in gravidanza
10Policistosi ovarica ed alimentazione
11L'alimentazione in pazienti con endometriosi
12Alimentazione in menopausa

Learning Assessment

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Each point of the program can be considered as examples of questions