Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 5
Taught classes: 35 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Business Economics

    The Course aims to provide students with the basic elements for the understanding of the economics of the health sector and the business administration in Healthcare, by addressing not only the theoretical but also – in a complementary way – the applicative aspects, through a problematic and updated information on efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of health services. It will provide useful information on the institutional framework of the healthcare professional, with particular reference to the Italian one, making the concepts and acquire the basic language of economics and business matters. At the end of the course, students will be able to describe the main features of the functioning of health care markets and to develop skills of analysis of the Company, to identify the points in the economic evaluation that guide corporate policies, to recognize the main tools for performance measurement, useful for various business purposes; using the basic principles of the cost in relation to benefits, usefulness and effectiveness; analyze and develop strategies for the rationalization of health expenditure.

  • Public Law Elements

    The course aims to outline the essential elements of radioprotection laws.

Detailed Course Content

  • Business Economics

    - Elements of Business Economics: Choices and Constraints: the economic behavior – Economic systems – What, how and for whom to produce – Needs and assets – Exchange, market, money – Consumer Theory – Consumer behavior and impact on the company: needs, goods, preferences and Utilities – Consumer equilibrium – The theory of Demand – Variation of prices and income – The theory of Production – Differences between firm and company – Classification of firms – Firm equilibrium – Production costs – The budget –The balance sheet and income statement – The break-even point – The supply – Elasticity and graphical analysis of supply and demand – The "market" and the analysis of market equilibrium – The company in various forms of market: common features and differences.

    - The characteristics of good “health": The definition of "health" according to the World Health Organization – Health economics: definitions and analysis contexts – The relationships existing between the healthcare sector and the rest of the Economy.

    - The Demand in Healthcare: The need for health and the demand for healthcare services – The differences with respect to the microeconomic model of demand – The principal-agent model between physician and patient and the types of information asymmetry – Moral hazard and adverse selection, limits of healthcare insurance markets and role of the State – Critical aspects of the question: the phenomenon of "induction" and the Supply-Induced Demand (S.I.D) – The Roemer’s Law.

    - The Supply of Healthcare Companies: Characters of the healthcare market and justification of public intervention in Healthcare – The Health Systems: purpose, characteristics and organizational models – Business Administration in Healthcare – The Healthcare Company functions: constituent elements and organizational system of corporate relations, internal dynamics and general accounting principles – Healthcare production, supply, and market – Input, output, and outcome – The principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness in the activities of Healthcare Companies – The production function in Healthcare – The Theory of Hospitals – Applied Economics at hospitals: cost analysis – The management, the healthcare Company's assets and the financial statements – Benchmarking in Healthcare and Quality of service business – E-Health – The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) – The economic valuation methods in Health.

  • Public Law Elements

    - Elements of the legal system

    - The Constitution and the right to health

    - Radiation protection laws

    - The health profession of medical radiology technician

    - Protection of personal data in the health sector.

Textbook Information

  • Business Economics

    1. Zangrandi, A., Economia e management per le Professioni sanitarie, Mc Graw Hill, Milano, 2011.


    2. Sobbrio, G., Corso int. di Economia, Trischitta, the latest edition.

    The recommended textbooks are intended as educational supplements to the lectures and – therefore – they must be integrated with the contents shown during the Course.

  • Public Law Elements

    Selection of legislation (prepared by the teacher)

    Bin, Pitruzzella, Donati, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico per i servizi sociali, Giappichelli, 2014.