Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • integrated course of food chemistry

    COURSE OBIECTIVES - the purpose of the course Food Chemistry are to cure many human diseases using the food according to the principle of Hippocrates "Make that your food be your medicine" and also to choose the foods good for feeding and thediet.

Course Structure

  • integrated course of food chemistry

    the lesson is in the form of lectures and since this year I have been teaching in interactive mode acting as a facilitator of the comparison and discussions with and among the students.

Detailed Course Content

  • integrated course of food chemistry

    - Elements of Agricolture conventional, Oganic, Biodynamic, Quantum and also Quantum Medicine, Homeophaty, Phytoterapy, Spagiria, Bach Flowers. Acid and alkaline foods nourisching.

    - NUTRIENTS - food and nutrition - carbohydrates - protides - mineral - vitamin - water - wine description.

    - FOOD VEGETABLE - cereals - olive oil - seed oil, fats and margarine, hydrogenated fats - fruit and vegetable.

    - FOOD NERVE - cocoa - tè and coffeè.

    - FOOD ANIMAL - meat - fish products - butterr - cheese - eggs - honey.

    - FOOD SUPPLEMENTS - health food - nutrition - probiotic food - food new concept - nutraceuticals.

    - BEVERAGE - wine - water - beer - spirits.

    - UNDESIRABLE SUBSTANCES -pesticides - mycotoxins - toxins plant - toxic metals - allergens.

Textbook Information

  • integrated course of food chemistry

    1) Cabras Paolo - Martelli Aldo - CHIMICA DEGLI ALIMENTI - Piccin

    2) Cabras Paolo - Tuberoso Carlo I.G. - ANALISI DEI PRODOTTI ALIMENTARI - Piccin