Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year- Applied Physics: Anna Maria Gueli
- INFORMATICA: Teacher not yet allocated
- STATISTICA MEDICA: Teacher not yet allocated
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Applied Physics
The aim of the course is the achievement by the student of the basic physical principles of the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques used in modern medicine.
Detailed Course Content
- Applied Physics
Basic mathematics for radiology. Conventional notation and scientific notation. Percentages. Logarithms. Graphs of functions. Vectors and scalars. Volumes and surfaces. Trigonometry. Oscillations and waves. Basic statistics.
Basic physics for radiology. International system of measurement. Velocity and acceleration. Force and momentum. Rotational motion. Density and pressure. Work, energy and power. Heat. Sound. Waves and oscillations. Electromagnetic radiation. Magnetism. Electricity. Electronics. Atomic and nuclear structure.
Textbook Information
- Applied Physics
Dowsett David J., Kenny Patrick A., Johnston R. Eugene, The Physics of Diagnostics Imaging, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
Lecture notes provided during the course.