Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year- Conventional Radiography and ultrasound: Renato Farina
- Machines and Techniques of Respiratory System: Antonio Basile
- vascular radiology: Andrea Giovanni Musumeci
- Respiratory Diseases: Carlo Vancheri
Taught classes: 56 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Conventional Radiography and ultrasound
The course aims to deepen the discipline in order to develop adequate critical skills and appropriate operations.
- Machines and Techniques of Respiratory System
After the scheduled lessons in the module, the student should know the principles to perform correctly main chest imaging modalities.
- vascular radiology
to make known the imaging diagnostic techniques and their clinical applications with particular reference to cardiovascular and mediastinic structures and the role of the TSRM in this field.
- Respiratory Diseases
The course aims to introduce the mechanisms of regulation of the respiratory system, the pathophysiology of major diseases of the respiratory system, the fundamental concepts of respiratory control and the pathophysiology of major respiratory diseases. We will analyze the most important diagnostic tests in Pneumology, the main respiratory diseases and the therapies of the main diseases of the respiratory system
Course Structure
- Conventional Radiography and ultrasound
The course will provide theoretical and practical notions of traditional Radiology and ultrasound.
- Machines and Techniques of Respiratory System
Frontal lessons (2 hours) as scheduled in the official calendar
- vascular radiology
Notions of main Diagnostic Techniques for ECO, RX, TC, RM, Nuclear Medicine, Interventional Radiology;
Application of "traditional radiology" to the cardiovascular system;
- Respiratory Diseases
lecture with moments of interactivity
Detailed Course Content
- Conventional Radiography and ultrasound
The course aims to deepen the knowledge of some contrasting methods of Traditional Radiology still in use in most of the Radiology departments in public and private structures in order to provide the student with the basic information necessary for the radiological investigation: principles, materials, methods, precautions and notions of radioprotection related to each individual procedure. The course will be theoretical and practical with exercises on the operation of radiological and ultrasound equipment.
- Machines and Techniques of Respiratory System
Main contents:
Radiological anatomy of the chest
Criteria for correct acquisition of main radiological projections
Notions for correct acquisition of main technics of thoracic imaging
- vascular radiology
Notions of main Diagnostic Techniques for ECO, RX, TC, RM, Nuclear Medicine, Interventional Radiology;
Application of "traditional radiology" to the cardiovascular system;
Application of TC, Cardio TC and TC angiography in the cardiovascular system;
Application of RM, Cardio RM and RM in the cardiovascular system;
Applications of Nuclear Medicine Techniques in the Cardiovascular System;
General concepts and application of ultrasound techniques in the cardiovascular system;
General concepts and applications of "interventional radiology" techniques in the cardiovascular system.
- Respiratory Diseases
Pathophysiology and lung defense mechanisms, Respiratory function tests, Asthma,COPD, Pneumonia, Pleural effusion, Interstitial lung diseases, Acute and chronic respiratory failure, bronchiectasis, TB
Textbook Information
- Conventional Radiography and ultrasound
The learning of the subject requires a specific deepening on the topics covered during the lessons. It is also essential to know the general aspects of the discipline and basic notions of anatomy.
- Anatomia radiologica di Fernando Mazzuccato Editore: Piccin-Nuova Libraria
- Ecografia. Manuale didattico di mathias Hofer Editore: Verducci
- Machines and Techniques of Respiratory System
- vascular radiology
F. Mazzucato - Anatomia Radiologica - Piccin Lagalla;
Kenneth L. Bontrager - Atlante tascabile-manuale di posizioni e tecniche radiografiche- CIC Edizioni Internazionali
R.Passariello, G. Simonetti - Elementi di Tecnologia Radiologica - Idelson Gnocchi 2012
R.A. Fosbinder - C.A. Kelsey - L'immagine radiologica. Tecnologie e tecniche d'acquisizione - Mc Graw Hill 2003
Materiale presentato a lezione.
Testi già eventualmente in possesso degli studenti come da elenco nella pagina generale dell'insegnamento.
Eventuali riferimenti bibliografici per approfondimento personale e/o per la pratica quotidiana professionale come da elenco seguente:
Manuale di tomografia computerizzata. Approccio sistematico alla refertazione TC.
Autore: Hofer
Casa editrice: Verduci Editore
ISBN: 9788876207822Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy - volume I
Autore: Moeller
Casa editrice: Thieme
ISBN: 9783131255037Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy - volume II
Autore: Moeller
Casa editrice: Thieme
ISBN: 9783131256034Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy - volume III
Autore: Moeller
Casa editrice: Thieme
ISBN: 9783131431714 - Respiratory Diseases
Harrison’s Principi di Medicina Interna – McGraw-Hill 18° ed.