Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 4
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Occupational Medicine

    History and evolution of Occupational Medicine: prevention service legislation and organization; work accidents and professional diseases insurance practices. Risk assessment procedure; exposure times and limit levels/values.

    Primary and secondary prevention principles. Healthcare surveillance and duties of competent physician. Biological monitoring procedures. General and individual preventive practices and first aid action organization. Biological risk and vaccinations. Physical risks: noise, vibrations, ionizing-non-ionizing radiations, microclimate and compressed atmosphere. Ergonomy principles: postures and work. Workstation, shift and night work risks. Assessment of risks in manual loads handling and in repetitive movements of upper limbs with associated pathologies. Organizational wellness and its associated work stress. Health promotion in working places.

    Main dust/fibre and professional allergene exposure–related pathologies; indoor and outdoor pollutants. Exposure risks to chemical, mutagen and carcenogenic agents.

    Principles of Industrial Hygiene and hints of Statistics. Risks in the main working cycles. Guidelines on safety and health in working places.

Textbook Information

  • Occupational Medicine
    • David Koh, Ken Takahashi. Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice. 3rd Edition ISBN: 978-981-4329-57-6
    • Antonio Mutti, Massimo Corradi: "Lezioni di Medicina del Lavoro". Nuova Editrice Berti, 2014 (ISBN 978-88-7364-627-3)
    • Per Alberto Bertazzi: "Medicina del lavoro". Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2013 (ISBN 978-88-6030-633-3)