Academic Year 2017/2018 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 4
Taught classes: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Institutions of Public Law

    The course aims to outline some essential elements of the health system, with particular regard to the legal liability system for medical injuries.

    With specific reference to the profession chosen by the students, we analyze the discipline that outlines the professional figure of the medical radiology technician.

    Particular attention is dedicated to the discipline on radiation protection (from ionizing radiations), both with reference to workers, apprentices, students and other subjects (Legislative Decree No. 230/1995), and with reference to exposures in the health sector (Legislative Decree No. 187/2000).

  • Business Organisation

    To acquire the concept of Business Organisation, of its classifications and structures, of its working principles and about its conditions for success

Detailed Course Content

  • Institutions of Public Law

    - Elements of the legal order. The Constitution and the right to health.

    - Elements of the organization of the Health System.

    - The radiology technician.

    - The radiation protection laws.

    - The legal liability system for medical injuries.

  • Business Organisation
    • The idea of the Organisation
    • Business Organisation concept
    • Business Organisation and its systemic relation with Business Administration and Management
    • Outlines of methods and instruments of Business Organisation
    • Various schools of organisation theory
    • Organisational models
    • Organisational variables
    • Organisational forms
    • Organisational dimension, business culture and success
    • The organisation of the Italian NHS and recent developments in Regional Health Service

Textbook Information

  • Institutions of Public Law

    Bin, Pitruzzella, Donati, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico per i servizi sociali, Giappichelli, 2017.

  • Business Organisation
    1. Puglisi M., L’esistenza e lo sviluppo dell’azienda, Boemi, Catania, 2004.
    2. Puglisi M., L’organizzazione aziendale: lineamenti teorici e applicazioni settoriali, Boemi, 2005.

    In order to avoid difficulties in locating books, since these are subject to editorial restrictions, one should refer directly to the exclusive agent: “Libreria del Tribunale”, Via Francesco Crispi 245, Tel. 095/535338