Francesco Rapisarda

Associate Professor of NEPHROLOGY [MEDS-08/B]

From 13 Oct 2018, Director of the School of Nephrology. 

From 01/08/1980 seniority legal and from 30/03/87 seniority economic. 

Still confirmed researcher of Nephrology (scientific field M14 Nephrology –Sector 06-F07F- former D2) first the Chair of Surgical Nephrology of the school of specialization in Neph-rology; from 01/01/2002 at the Institute of Clinical Medicine “Luigi Condorelli” ;

 from 01/05/2011 at the Dept.. of int.Med. and Sistem.Pat.- Clin. Med. "A.Francaviglia" -Policlinico- Section of Nephrology and DH. He deals with the problems of kidney disease patients, the section of Peritoneal Dialysis Company (hospital G.Rodolico), of Clinic of chronic kidney disease and renal transplant recipients , the day surgery for vascular access and DH of Nephrology.

Current home work: AOU Policlinico / Vitt.Emanuele- Hospital G.Rodolico-Dept. Int. Med.- Sec. Nephrology and Peritoneal Dialysis, DH- 78, via S.Sofia -Catania.

University of Catania.

 He is part of the College of PhD on "New evaluation systems

study of hemodynamic and metabolic complications of chronic liver disease". Acad. Year 2005-cycle XX; Acad. Year 2006 cycle XXII; Acad Year. 2007- cycle XXIII- 3 years of duration . Of College of Graduate "Ex-perimental Medicine and clinical cell pathophysiology cycle XXVI (DOT1008034)”.

Participation in university committees:

- Commissions profit of Surgical nephrology exams,

- Commissions examinations of diploma of specialization in Nephrology,

- Commissions for admission to graduate school in Nephrology,

- Commissions degree in Medicine and Surgery as a speaker and / or


- To the examining board for the graduation of


(University of Catania AY 2000-01; University of Messina AY 2003-04 ;University of Palermo AY 2015-16).

He was involved in the school office specialization in Nephrology

University of Catania, since its establishment till today. From years 2013-14 till today appointment as deputy director of the school of specialization in Nephrology of the University of Catania.

In 2006 the appointment by Genzyme as Member of Advisory Group as an expert in the project on the en-vironment in nephrology and therapeutic strategies of effective communication of scientific clinical data.

In 2012 the appointment by Amgen as a member of the group Advisor for the EVOLVE trial.

Medical Director of first level from 1979 until today.


From January 2004 until today nephrologist consultant of the Transplant Center of the Regional Hospital – University Policlinico “G.Rodolico” Catania.


In 2003 appointment with the decree of the Health of the Region of Sicily as Member of "Technical experts on issues related to proper care hemodialysis".

Internal doctor with recognized care tasks  by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania before (from 07/13/77 to 11/14/77) at the Institute of Clinical Medicine; then (from 11/15/77 to 07/31/80) at the Depart-ment of Nephrology at the University of Catania surgery.

Since the academic year 2005-06 until today he was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor, under the art.1of L.230 / 2005.

Higher qualification for AYs.1989-90,1993-94,1994-95,1995-96,1996-97.

October 2013 appointment as Deputy Director-graduate school in Nephrology, University of Catania.

In 2012 appointment as Secretary of the Interregional Section of Campano-Sicilian Society of the Italian So-ciety of Nephrology (SIN), with responsibility for health nephrological care issues of Sicily.

In 2013 (with notification D.A. 2380 / 13 of 09-December 2013) appointed by decree of the Councillor for Health of the Region of Sicily as Component  of "Technical expert for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplan-tation



N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

He is responsible for "research projects" funded by the University of Catania for the years:
1995 (the HCV infection in renal kidney disease patients, two-year project), 1996 (HCV infection in kidney disease patients);
1997 survival of kidney disease patients: correlations, biocompatibility, metabolism),
1998 (Cardiovascular risk factors in the chronic uremics),
1999 (coagulation factors as risk factors in chronic uremia)
2000 (non-conventional risk factors as a cause of morbidity and cardiovascular death),
002 (osteoprotegerin OPG: new markers of bone metabolism in chronic kidney disease),
2004 (the "calcium mimetic": a weapon for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with CKD) (DPR 382/80 university research project 60%).

Observational clinical multicenter trial on the prevalence of abnormal calcium-phosphorus metabolism in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Effects of hyperphosphatemia, observation and cardiovascular mortality. ROCK TRIAL - PD (responsible).
Observational study REACT (Reassement of Anthypertensive Chronic Therapy) (co-responsible.)
"A Study Evaluating The Initation And titration Of Fixed Doses Of Novel Erithropoiesis Stimulating Protein (NESP) Therapy in Subjects With End-Stage-Renal Disease" (shared responsibility).
CREED (Cardiovascular Risk Extent Evalutation in Dialysis Patients) (shared responsibility).
Efficacy and tolerability of intravenous administration of epoetin alfa in reduced frequency in the treatment of anemia in naive patients with severe chronic kidney disease –RIVER Protocol (responsible).
Proposal for a multicentrical clinical-observational trial on performance of multiple indicators in the management of patients with CKD. Multiple indicators results trial SIRM - SIN (co-responsible).
TABLE trial (co-responsible.) Observational study on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of patients with end stage renal disease (SOMCIR trial managed by the study group of hypertension SIN (responsible).
MAURO trial (Multiple interventions and AUdit in kidney diseases to optimize control) (co-responsible). Exercise trial (co-responsible).
Observational prospective trial CKD5 (responsible).
HEALTH-CKD trial (Salt Lowering sodium by Urine self-measurement Trial in Chronic Kidney Disease), a project funded by the Ministry of Health (Contract research projects young reserchers - research aimed -RF 2010-2010-2314890).

The trials above demonstrate the scientific responsibility of the undersigned for national and international research projects, selected for funding based on competitive calls that provide peer review.