Gianluca Sambataro
Classic High School diploma in 2002 at the Lucia Mangano Institute in S. Giovanni La Punta, (CT), in 2002; Medical Degree in Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome in 2009 ; Postgraduation in Allergology and Clinical Immunology in Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome in 2015 ; II level Master degree entitled « clinical problem solving in Rheumatology) IN Unicusano University of Rome (RM) in 2017. Winner of scholarship with the italina Society of Rheumatology with the project « multidisciplinary collaboration between rheumatologists and pulmonologists in the assessment of patients with Interstitial lung Diseases », conducted in the University of Catania in 2017. Research Grant type B sector MED/10 entitled « Rôle of RAS/ERK and MET pathways on fibroblast activation and differentiation » with the University of Catania, from 2018 to 2023. Physician in Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Unit of Respiratory Diseases, « Policlinico G.Rodolico-San Marco » in 2020.
Interstitial Lung Disease associated with Autoimmune conditions, with particular interest in Interstitial Pneumonia with Autommune Features (IPAF) and Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies (Dermatomyositis and Antisynthetase Syndrome).
Interstitial Lung Disease; Interstitial Pneumonia with Autoimmune Features, Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies; Dermatomyositis; Antisynthetase Syndrome; Systemic Sclerosis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Progressive-Fibronsing-ILD;
Associate Editor of BMC Pulmonary Medicine; Guest Editor for Frontiers in Medicine and Diagnostics (Basel) ; revwiever for the majority of Q1 and Q2 journals of Respiratory Medicine and Rheumatology, Winner of Scholarship with the Italian Society of Rheumatology in 2016 ; author of three chapters in book edited by Elsevier (Eosinophilic Interstitial Pneumonia nel 2020; Translational Autoimmunity volume 3, Autoimmune Disease associated with different clinical features, chapter Translational Autoimmunity in Interstitial Lung Disease 2021; Developing PI3K inhibitors for respiratory diseases. Springer, 2022.). Since March 2023 author of 80 publications indexed in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science.