Rossella Cacciola

Associate Professor of BLOOD DISEASES [MEDS-09/B]

1982 M.D. Degree, Medical School, University of Catania
1988 PhD in Physiopathology of Metabolism, Hematology Unit, University of Catania
1990 Postgraduate Degree in Hematology, Hematology Unit,University of Catania
Research and Professional Experience:
1982-1983 Medical Resident, Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Catania 
1983-1992 Medical Resident and PhD, Institute of Geriatry and Gerontology, University of Ca-tania
1989-1992 Professor of “Dialytic and dietetic therapy” at the Postgraduate Medical School of Nephrology, University of Catania
1993 Assistant Professor of Hematology, Hematology Unit, University of Catania
1997-act Professor of Hematology, Masterly Degree Course in Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Catania
1997-act Professor of Hematology, Graduate Medical School of Hematology, University of Ca-tania
1997-2008 Professor of Hematology, Graduate Medical School in Clinical Pathology, University of Catania
2001-act Professor of Hematology, I Level Degree Course of Biomedical Laboratory Tecniques, School of Medicine, University of Catania
1997-2004 Professor of Hematology, Graduate Medical School of Vascular Surgery, University of Catania
2003-2011 Professor of Hematology, PhD “Medical Embriology and Experimental Hematology and Pathology”  “XX”, “XXI”, XXIII, XXIV, “XXV”, XXVI”, XXVII”, XXVIII” cicle, Uni-versity of Catania
2010-2013 Professor of Hematology, PhD “Experimental and Computational Pathology and Clin-ical Hematology”  “XXII”, XXIII, XXIV, “XXV” cicle, University of Catania
2004-2011 Professor of Hematology, Specialistic Degree Course in Health Biology, School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Catania
2005-act Aggregate Professor of Hematology, University of Catania
2007-2001 Professor of Hematology, I Level Degree Course of Dental care, University of Cata-nia
2010-act Professor of Hematology, Graduate Medical School of Gerontology, University of Catania
2012-act Head of Haemostasis Unit “G. Rodolico”, University of Catania
2014-act Professor of Hematololy, Graduate Medical School of Reumatology, University of Ca-tania
2015-2017 Professor of Hematology, PhD “Molecular Medicine”  “XXXVI”, XXXVII, XXXVIII cicle, University of Catania


N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Biological assays: immunoenzymatic (ELISA), immunoturbidimetric and chromogenic tests in acquired and hereditary thrombophilic diseases and in myeloproliferative chronic disorders. Plasma and Cytometric analysis in evaluation of platelet function. Genetic analysis of the polymorphisms of the inherited coagulopathy (FVG1691A/H1299R, FII G29210A, MTHFRC66T/A1291C). Advanced statistical analysis. Clinical and diagnostic management in the field of clinical hematology, onco-hematology and arterial and venous thromboembolism. Therapeutic management of antineoplastic drugs (Janus Kinase, BKT, BCL2 inhibitors) and anticoagulant therapy (vitamin K Antagonists - VKA, Direct Oral Anticoagulants - DOACs).


Clinical Hematology, Onco-hematology, Acquired Thrombophilic Disorders, Hereditary Thrombophilic Disorders, Acquired Haemostasic Disorders, Hereditary Haemostatic Disorders

PhD Mentoring Activity 
PhD “Medical Embriology and Experimental Hematology and Pathology”  “XX”, “XXI”, XXIII, XXIV, “XXV”, XXVI”, XXVII”, XXVIII” cicle, University of Catania
PhD “Experimental and Computational Pathology and Clinical Hematology”  “XXII”, XXIII, XXIV, “XXV” cicle, University of Catania
PhD “Molecular Medicine”  “XXXVI”, XXXVII, 
XXXVIII cicle, University of Catania

Partecipation in Editorial Projects
-Editors Emma Caccola, Rossella Cacciola“Acta Haematologia” Vol. 97, No 1-2 per i  tipi. Karger Basilea 1997 Chapter “Adhesion Melecules in Hematolgy” 
-Editors Sebastiano Grasso, Rosssella Cacciola, Gaetano Magro “Anatomia Patologica General”, Chapter “Trastornos de la Circulation” di F.J. Pardo Mindàn e J. Diez, 2003
-Invited Translation of the Chapter  7 “Trastornos de la Circulation” (“Circle Disorders”) di F.J. Pardo Mindàn e J. Diez, 2003
-Invited Drafting Book “Quaderni di Medicina di Laboratorio” – Vol. 6 –Aprile 1992 Capitolo “ I disordini dell’emostasi nelle emopatie maligne” Cacciola E, Musso R, Caciola E, Cacciola RR.

Scientific Responsibility in National and International Research Projects
1997-2001  Investigator for the ECLAP Study (European Collaboration on low dose Aspirin in
Polycythemia vera
2001-2003 Investigator for the PEG-Interferon alfa-2b in Essential Thrombocythemia: phase II study for determination of the minimum effective, safe and tolerated doses
2005  Investigator for the GIMEMA protocol “Recurrent thrombosis among patients with 
polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia. Retrospective analysis of the incidence of the events, and of the efficacy and safety of secondary antithrombotic
2006 Investigator for EXELS (Evaluation of Xagrid Efficacy and Long-Term Safety)  SPD422-401.
2008 Investigator for the GIMEMA protocol “A large-scale trial testing the intensity of CY-TOreductive therapy to prevent cardiovascular events in patients with polycythemia vera (PV) – CYTO-PV”.
2008  Investigator for the GIMEMA protocol “Prospective evaluation of the predictive role of JAK2V617F allele burden on clinical outcomes in patients with polycythemia vera”.
2008  Investigator for Shire Study SPD422-403  “A phase IIIb, randomised, open label study to    compare the safety, efficacy and tolerability of anagrelide hydrochloride versus                                                                                                                                                       hydroxyurea in high-risk essential thrombocytheaemia patients”.
2010 Investigator for theGIMEMA  “Retrospective evaluation of hydroxyurea treatment side 
effects in Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms”.
2010 Investigator for theGIMEMA  “Retrospective evaluation of chronic myeloproliferative
neoplasms in patients younger than 40 years”. 
2013  Investigator for CVT- MPN Study (Cerebral Vein Thrombosis in Myeloproliferative 
Neoplasms) (May 2013)
2013 Investigator for “Prospective Observational Study in Women with Thrombophilia and 
2014 Investigator/Research Group for the FIR Research Project, University of Catania.
2015 Investigator for the study “AVK/DOACSs-MPN Survey” Fondazione per la Ricerca   
Ospedale Maggiore di Bergamo (FROM).
2016-act Investigator for the study “Recurrent ischemic stroke in Ph-negative Myeloproliferative 
Neoplasms. The PRISM (Preventing Recurrent Ischemic Stroke in Myeloproliferative Neo-plasms). Fondazione per la Ricerca Ospedale Maggiore di Bergamo (FROM).
2016-actInvestigator for the study “Il profilo beneficio/rischio della Prolina-interferone-alfa-2b 
peghilato (AOP2014), in aggiunta alla migliore strategia terapeutica disponibile basata sui salassi, in pazienti con Policitemia Vera (PV) a basso rischio. Lo studio randomizzato Low-PV.” Fonda-zione per la Ricerca Ospedale Maggiore di Bergamo (FROM).
2016-actOutstanding Contribution Multidisciplinary Reserach Center named “Mini Invasive Surgical Techniques” (2016-2021), University of Catania.
2016-act Outstanding Contribution Multidisciplinary Research Center named  “Diagnosis and THerapy of the Rare Diseases” (2016-2021), University of Catania.
2016-act Outstanding Contribution  Multidisciplinary Research Center named Excellence Center for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR) (2016-2021), University of Cata-nia.
2017-act MAS Study “Measure And See” a START –FCSA study – Mesaurement of anticoagu-lant evels in patients on direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) and thromboembolic and hemorrhagic  complications during the follow-up. Multicenter, prospective and observational study, START-FCSA.
2018-act Secondary Cancers in  Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN-K study). Retrospective ca-se control observational multicenter study “Fondazione per la Ricerca Ospedale Maggiore di  
Bergamo (FROM) January 2018.

Prizes, Awards, and Scientific Advice
Invited Reviewer for numerous international Scientific Journals: 
2004-act  Reviewer for the journal “Chest”
2005-act Reviewer for the journal “Drugs”
2005-act Reviewer for the journal “Blood, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis”
2008-act Reviewer for the journal “Vascular Health and Risk Management”.
2009-act Reviewer for the journal “Expert Review of Hematology”.
2010-act Reviewer for the journal “Expert Review and Anticancer Therapy”  
2010-act Reviewer for the journal “Thrombosis and Haemostasis”.
2010-act Reviewer for the journal “Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy”
2012-act Reviewer for the journal “Clinical and Drug Investigation”
2012-actReviewer for the journal “Nature Review Cardiology”
2014-act Reviewer for the journal “Acta Haematologica”
2014-act Reviewer for the journal “Premier Publisher”
2014-act Reviewer for the journal “Leukemia and Lymphoma”
2014-actEditorial Board Member per la rivista “International Journal of Hematology Research” 
2014-act Editorial Board Member per la rivista “Jacobs Journal of Hematology”
2015-act Reviewer for the journal “ Jacobs Journal of Hematology”
2015-act Reviewer for the journal “Clinical Investigation”
2015-act Reviewer for the journal “Frontiers of Medicine”
2015-act Reviewer for the journal “Future Oncology”
2016-act Reviewer for the journal “Case Reports in Surgery”
2017-act Reviewer for Research Projects, Italian Ministry of Health, “General Directorate for Health and Innovation Research”

-Editorial Board Member peer-reviewed International Scientific Journal  “International Journal of  Hematology  Research”
Journal Information:
ISSN: 2409-3548
Frequency: Annual, instant published
Journal DOI:10.6051/j.issn.2409-3548.2015.01.9
Febbraio 1 2014-act

Society Membership: 
1991-act    Italian Society of Hematology
1996-act    American Society of Hematology (ASH)
2000-act    International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)
2013-act    Federazione Centri per la Diagnosi e la Sorveglianza delle Terapie Antitrombo-tiche(F.C.S.A.)
F.C.S.A. is inserted  bt the Ministry of Health Ministero in the list  of the Scientific Society and  of he Technical Scientific Association of the Health Care Professionsdelle Professioni Sanitarie DM August 2  2017

1986-act Member Technical-ScientificCommittee Fondazione Catanese per lo Studio e la Cura delle Malattie Neoplastiche del Sangue (FON.CA.NE.SA.)

Prof. Rossella R. Cacciola is author of over 250 peer reviewed papers in various international journals and meetings.