Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 15
Exercise: 225 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°

Learning Objectives

  • Professionalizing Internship

    The Master's Degree Course aims to train health professionals who are in
    able to express advanced assistance, educational and preventive skills in
    response to the priority problems of health of the population and quality of services. They
    they develop an integrated approach to the organizational and management problems of the professions
    health, qualified by the mastery of management techniques and procedures
    health care, respecting their and others' competences. Methodological knowledge
    acquired also allow them to intervene in training and research processes
    peculiar to the aforementioned areas. The training activities are organized in such a way that master's graduates acquire the
    following skills:
    - detect and critically evaluate the evolution of care needs relevant to the
    specific professional figure, also in connotations related to gender, where required;
    - planning and intervening operationally in relation to welfare problems e
    complex organizational structures;
    - plan, manage and evaluate assistance services with a view to improvement
    quality (planning, organization, management, control);
    - supervise the assistance relevant to the specific professional figure in the field
    of the tutorial activities and coordination of the internship in basic training,
    complementary and permanent;
    - use research methods and tools relevant to the professional figure,
    in the clinical-care areas, organization and training;

    critically analyze the ethical aspects related to care and problems
    multi-professional and multicultural.
    - carries out educational planning and conducting teaching activities in each
    type of university course and / or professional refresher course activated by
    health and professional organizations; - directs the nursing and midwifery services of
    simple and complex health structures, of which it plans, organizes, manages and
    evaluates resources, activities and manages their budget.

  • Professionalizing Internship

    The Master's Degree Course aims to train health professionals who are in
    able to express advanced assistance, educational and preventive skills in
    response to the priority problems of health of the population and quality of services. They
    they develop an integrated approach to the organizational and management problems of the professions
    health, qualified by the mastery of management techniques and procedures
    health care, respecting their and others' competences. Methodological knowledge
    acquired also allow them to intervene in training and research processes
    peculiar to the aforementioned areas. The training activities are organized in such a way that master's graduates acquire the
    following skills:
    - detect and critically evaluate the evolution of care needs relevant to the
    specific professional figure, also in connotations related to gender, where required;
    - planning and intervening operationally in relation to welfare problems e
    complex organizational structures;
    - plan, manage and evaluate assistance services with a view to improvement
    quality (planning, organization, management, control);
    - supervise the assistance relevant to the specific professional figure in the field
    of the tutorial activities and coordination of the internship in basic training,
    complementary and permanent;
    - use research methods and tools relevant to the professional figure,
    in the clinical-care areas, organization and training;

    critically analyze the ethical aspects related to care and problems
    multi-professional and multicultural.
    - carries out educational planning and conducting teaching activities in each
    type of university course and / or professional refresher course activated by
    health and professional organizations; - directs the nursing and midwifery services of
    simple and complex health structures, of which it plans, organizes, manages and
    evaluates resources, activities and manages their budget.

Course Structure

  • Professionalizing Internship

    he student can be initiated to the clinical internship to be carried out at the
    structure in charge, after the head office has agreed with the Coordinator
    of the Master's Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, the
    destination, chosen on the basis of the student's educational needs.
    The internship hours foreseen for each academic year are divided as follows:
    • 1st year: 375 hours
    • 2nd year: 375 hours
    The student will have to carry out 6 hours a day of internship, from Monday to Saturday, from
    07.30 to 13.30. Alternatively, it will be possible to agree with the Headquarters Representative
    the possible development of the internship hours from 14.00 to 20.00.
    The period of time to complete the internship is foreseen by 30 / July of the A.Y.
    The terms will not be granted exemptions, except for serious needs of the student

    which in any case must receive appropriate evaluation from the Course Coordinator of
    The 2nd year student is given the opportunity to carry out an internship of
    50-hour internship to be carried out at the service relevant to the topics
    that make up the final degree thesis. However, admission is subject to
    availability of the service where the internship should take place and the real needs
    training courses, which in any case will be evaluated by the Degree Course Coordinator
    Master's degree in "Nursing and Obstetric Sciences".
    At the beginning of each A.A. the student must collect from the competent Secretariat,
    the appropriate form to be used for recording the activities carried out and the hours of
    Internship. At the end of the clinical training period, it will be the student's care
    return the form to the Secretariat.

  • Professionalizing Internship

    he student can be initiated to the clinical internship to be carried out at the
    structure in charge, after the head office has agreed with the Coordinator
    of the Master's Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, the
    destination, chosen on the basis of the student's educational needs.
    The internship hours foreseen for each academic year are divided as follows:
    • 1st year: 375 hours
    • 2nd year: 375 hours
    The student will have to carry out 6 hours a day of internship, from Monday to Saturday, from
    07.30 to 13.30. Alternatively, it will be possible to agree with the Headquarters Representative
    the possible development of the internship hours from 14.00 to 20.00.
    The period of time to complete the internship is foreseen by 30 / July of the A.Y.
    The terms will not be granted exemptions, except for serious needs of the student

    which in any case must receive appropriate evaluation from the Course Coordinator of
    The 2nd year student is given the opportunity to carry out an internship of
    50-hour internship to be carried out at the service relevant to the topics
    that make up the final degree thesis. However, admission is subject to
    availability of the service where the internship should take place and the real needs
    training courses, which in any case will be evaluated by the Degree Course Coordinator
    Master's degree in "Nursing and Obstetric Sciences".
    At the beginning of each A.A. the student must collect from the competent Secretariat,
    the appropriate form to be used for recording the activities carried out and the hours of
    Internship. At the end of the clinical training period, it will be the student's care
    return the form to the Secretariat.

Detailed Course Content

  • Professionalizing Internship


  • Professionalizing Internship


Textbook Information

  • Professionalizing Internship


  • Professionalizing Internship
