Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Business Administration And Management

    To acquire the concept of firm, of its classifications and structures, of its working principles and about its conditions for success

Detailed Course Content

  • Business Administration And Management
    • Business Administration and Management
    • The firm as a social and economic institution
    • The systemic nature of the firm
    • Its forms
    • Its components
    • The ideal circumstances of its administration and the conditions for its success
    • The entrepreneurial values for success in business
    • Instruments to verify the general conditions of the business system success
    • Instruments to verify the specific conditions of the business system success: measuring costs and efficiency
    • The administration of the Italian NHS and recent developments in Regional Health Service

Textbook Information

  • Business Administration And Management

    Puglisi M., L’esistenza e lo sviluppo dell’azienda, Boemi, Catania, 2004.

    Puglisi M., L’organizzazione aziendale: lineamenti teorici e applicazioni settoriali, Boemi, Catania, 2006.

    In order to avoid difficulties in locating books, since these are subject to editorial restrictions, one should refer directly to the exclusive agent: “Libreria del Tribunale”, Via Francesco Crispi 245, Tel. 095/535338