Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 7
Taught classes: 49 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Surgery

    Objective ofthe course is to give the student basic knowledge of general surgery useful to understand rehabilitative problems in surgical patients.

    With this aim, most common surgical diseases, principal surgical techniques , as resections and sutures , along with post-operative complications will be addressed.


    The educational objective of the course is to make the student acquire basic and specific theoretical knowledge of the discipline: emergency medicine, intensive medicine, emergency toxicology and homeostatic mechanisms related to acid-base balance. health and inter-disciplinary sciences.


    If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

  • Clinical Pathology

    The course develops skills in the Clinical Pathology aiming to teach the student to apply, evaluate and interpret the laboratory tests used to study of the main diseases of the blood, alterations of the coagulative-fibrinolytic system, changes in liver and kidney function, some endocrinopathies.

    1. Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course, students will acquire the knowlodge of the main laboratory tests to the study the blood diseases, the coagulative-fibrinolytic system, liver and kidney function alterations andsome endocrinopathies.

    2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: once the knowledge of the main laboratory tests has been acquired, the students will be able to evaluate and interpret the aforementioned tests.

    3. Making judgments: through the executions, the students will be able, independently, to apply, evaluate and interpret different laboratory tests.

    4. Communication skills: the student will acquire the necessary communication skills within the main laboratory tests.

    5. Learning skills: the aim of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge to autonomously interpret the main laboratory tests.

Course Structure

  • Surgery

    Lectures, with the help of slides and videos.

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.


    Frontal teaching lessons supported by slide projection. Tutoring activities that can complete the training activity.

  • Clinical Pathology

    Lessons are held in the classroom with the help of PDF presentations made available to students on the Studium portal. The presentations do not replace the reference texts, but serve as educational support for the program carried out. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

  • Surgery

    Principal surgical techniques

    Laparotomy and laparoscopy

    Post operatory treatment , surgcal complications

    Surgical diseases of abdomen: Esophagus , stomach , duodenume, ileus, colon-rectum.

    Liver , biliary and pancreatic diseases

    Breast tumors

    Vein diseases


    Students will have to possess scientific knowledge and the ability to interconnect the knowledge acquired in the study of individual courses.

  • Clinical Pathology

    The course is organized in theoretical lessons combined with exercises aimed at interpreting the results of different types of laboratory analysis


    Laboratory analysis: definition, typology

    Collection and conservation of biological samples

    Preanalytical, analytical and biological variability

    Complete blood count test

    Plasma proteins and electrophoresis

    Hemostasis test

    Urine analysis and functional kidney test

    The functional liver test

    Diabetes: diagnosis and follow up test

    Thyroid Hormones

Textbook Information

  • Surgery

    1) Dionigi - Chirurgia , basi teoriche e chirurgia generale

    2) F. Bresadola- Chirurgia per le professioni sanitarie


    Stoelting K., Miller R.D. BASES of ANESTHESIA. A.Delfino Ed. 2010 Mapar ANESTHESIA AND RESUSCITATION PROTOCOLS. Delfino Editore 2018 Wijdicks E.F.M. , Rabinsten A. NEUROCRITICAL CARE. Oxford University Press, 2012

  • Clinical Pathology

    1. Federici G. Medicina di Laboratorio. Mc Graw-Hill Companies.

    2. Sacchetti L., Cavalcanti P. et. al. Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica genetica. Sorbona

    3. Laposata M. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin

    4. Antonozzi I. Medicina di Laboratorio. Picci