Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    Students will know the theoretical and historical aspects of the audiovisual media. Students will know which aspects and issues of the analyzed media (cinema, theatre, photography, television) are relevant to psychology and psychotherapy. Students will be able to identify and understand the mechanisms of action of the analyzed media and how a person reacts to them. Students will be able to use the analyzed media in therapy.


    knowledge of the psychopathological realities for of an useful psicoriabilitativ intervention. Through the description of modes of mental suffering students must be able to differentiate the individual clinical disease and find choices of finalized therapeutical interventions.

Detailed Course Content


    What we mean by “rehabilitation” Group therapy Cinema and theatre as a “safe space” Suspension of disbelief, identification and experience The “dramatic arc” and the resolution of conflict Classic and experimental structures Cinema, theatre, photography and television in relation to psychotherapy Theatre A timeline of theatre Theatre and psychotherapy: main movements Case studies Cinema Cinema and psychotherapy The structure and visual grammar of a film, and their relation with therapy methods Cinema and psychoanalysis The representation of dream in cinema The representation of alcoholism in cinema The representation of the family in cinema “Blade Runner”: film analysis Photography Photography: epistemological status and main issues Truth in photography Mimesis and diegesis, fiction and non-fiction Photography and psychology Some great photographers and their work Television and new media Television portraying reality: main issues Television in the 50s-70s and contemporary television Jean Baudrillard and Hyperreality Raymond Williams and the “Flow” The new media: main issues


    a) SCHIZOPHRENIA Epidemiology, Risk factors and Etiopathogenetic hypothesis, Simptomatology (initial period, state period, course and outcome), Clinical forms, Prognosis, Diagnosis and Differential diagnosis, Therapy. b)MOOD DISORDERS Epidemiology, Etiopatogenesis, Clinical pictures (Depressive episode, Manic episode, Hypomania, Mixed States), Course (Sigle-Pole, Bipolar, Distimia), Prognosis, Therapy. c) ANXIETY DISORDERS Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia; Social Phobia; Specific Phobias; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Post-traumatic Stress Disorder; Anxiety Disorder related to medical conditions, Anxiety Disorder related to substances abuse. Historical and Nosographic notes, Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, Clinical pictures, Course, Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis, Comorbility, Prognosis, Therapy.

Textbook Information


    Gabriella Ba – Strumenti e tecniche di riabilitazione psichiatrica e psicosociale – Milano, 2003, Franco Angeli
    Ignazio Senatore – Curare con il cinema – Torino, 2001, Centro Scientifico Editore


    Psicopatologia e Clinica Psichiatrica (a cura di) G.B. Cassano, E. Mundo, UTET ed., Torino, 2007.
    Manuale di Psichiatria (a cura di) Massimo Biondi, ELSEVIER ed., Milano, 2009