Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Organization Theory and Design

    1. The concept of Organization. 2. Theories and main organizational models. 3. Organizational design process. 4. Organizational design and macrostructure: the elementary structures, functional, divisional, matrix, horizontal and networks. 5. Organization and people. 6. Organizational design and microstructure: the people’s work, tasks, roles. 7. Division and work’s coordination. 8. Technology’s impact on the organization. 9. Learning and organizational change. 10. The organizational behavior and its determinants. 11. The motivation, leadership, team working and team building. 12. The skills. 13. Assessment tools, differentiation and development of human resources. 14. The organization of the SSR and healthcare company (hospitals).

Textbook Information

  • Organization Theory and Design

    Students can prepare for the exam using as a guide the slides of the lessons, properly integrated and enriched with notes taken during the lessons.
    Additional information relating to the reference material will be provided by the teacher during lessons.