Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge of human Physiology such as the functioning of the various organs and apparatus of the human body. At the end of the course, students will have to prove both to know the basic principles that regulate normal and integrate functions among different human organs, as to have a good proficiency of general and more specific scientific terms.

Course Structure


    Frontal teaching

Detailed Course Content


    Cell membranes Mechanisms of transport and ion channels

    Nervous system General organizzation of the central, peripheral and vegetative nervous system. Properties of excitable membranes: potential of membrane and potential of action. Classification of nerve fibres.

    Muscles Organization of skeletal muscles. Excitation-Contraction Coupling, single muscle twitch and tetanus. Muscle metabolism. Motor unit. Smooth muscle: generalities,

    Synaptic transmission Neuromuscular and central synapses. Neurotransmtters.

    Sensorial receptors. Proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensibility.

    Spinal cord: mono- and polisynaptic reflex activity. Shock spinale

    Function of brain stem, cerebellum, basal ganglia and cerebral cortex

    Integrative function of central nervous system

    Cardiovascular System Properties of cardiac muscle. Aspecific and specific myocardium. Mechanic and electrical cardiac cycles. Coronary circulation. Vascular system: caracteristics of blood and blood vessels. Physical factors affecting blood flow. Laminar and urbulent blood flow. Laplace's law applied to vessels. Capillary changes. Functions of veins. Control of heart rate and blood pressure.

    Respiratory system Upper and lower airways. Mechanism of Breathing. Alveolar ventilation. Surfactant. Spirometry. Basic mechanism of gas exchanges among lungs, blood and tissues. Carriage of the respiratory gas in the blood.

    Urinary system Basic principle of homeostatic functions.

Textbook Information


    1) “FISIOLOGIA DELL’UOMO” a cura di F. Conti Casa Editrice Edi- Ermes

    2) GANONG “FISIOLOGIA MEDICA” Casa Editrice Piccin

    3) L.S. COSTANZO "FISIOLOGIA" Casa Editrice Edra


    The student can choose any updated book on Human Physiology as long as in the examination he proves to have the knowledge required to pass the test