Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year- Pharmacology: Gian Marco Leggio
- Internal Medicine: Salvatore Piro
- Clinical Pathology: Livia Manzella
Taught classes: 49 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
- Pharmacology
Aim of this course is to provide the knowledge of the basic principles of pharmacokynetics and pharmacodynamics. The course is also designed to provide a specific knowledge of the pharmacological and toxic effects of drugs used for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.
- Internal Medicine
The main objectives of the course are as follows:
-To provide essential knowledge on the physiopathology of the acute and chronic diseases (e.g. chronic intestinal disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, pancreatitis) and to identify their relationship and inter-dependency.
-To apply these skills to the full spectrum of diseases in human.
-To develop the transferable skills on acute and chronic diseases (including physiopathology, oral communication with patients, team work, decision making during diseases) between students and patients.
- Clinical Pathology
The course develops skills in the Clinical Pathology aiming to teach the student to apply, evaluate and interpret the laboratory tests used to study of the main diseases of the blood, alterations of the coagulative-fibrinolytic system, changes in liver and kidney function, some endocrinopathies.
Course Structure
- Pharmacology
Frontal lessons.
Detailed Course Content
- Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic parameters (clearance, half-life, repeated dose toxicity, first pass effect, bioavailability and bioequivalence).
PHARMACODYNAMICS: Mechanisms and site of action of drugs.
receptor function and variability of drug response.
Agonism, antagonism competitive and non-competitive, affinity, intrinsic activity, effectiveness. dose-response curves, effective dose, lethal dose, therapeutic index, safety.
pharmacological and therapeutic effects, side effects, adverse reactions, overdose, intolerance to drugs, fetal toxicity; teratogenicity and carcinogenicity.
Drugs acting on the Central Nervous System (CNS): , antidepressants, anxiolytics and antipsychotics.
- Internal Medicine
Diabete, pancreatiti acute pancreatiti croniche celiachia malattie acute renali malattie croniche renali malattie intestinali croniche (morbo di Crohn e rettocolite ulcerosa) - diabete mellito e inquadramento delle patologie su base autoimmune - distinzione tra malattie croniche e malattie acute in medicina interna; malattie croniche intestinali (morbo di Crohn e retto-colite ulcerosa) - celiachia e malattie da malassorbimento - insufficienza renale acuta e cronica - pancreatite acuta e cronica - cirrosi epatica
- Clinical Pathology
Laboratory analysis: definition, typology
Collection and conservation of biological samples
Preanalytical, analytical and biological variability
Complete blood count test
Plasma proteins and electrophoresis
Hemostasis test
Urine analysis and functional kidney test
The functional liver test
Diabetes: diagnosis and follow up test
Thyroid Hormones
Textbook Information
- Pharmacology
Farmacologia, Rossi - Cuomo - Riccardi, Edizioni Minerva Medica, III edizione.
- Internal Medicine
Rugarli C., Nuti R., Caligaris Cappio F., Cantalamessa L., Cappelli G., Cappellini M.D., CavalloPerin P., Corazza G. R., Craxì A., Crea F., Fabbri L., Ferraccioli G., Giustina A., Lazzarin A., Stella A.P.
Elsevier-Masson Editore
- Clinical Pathology
1. Sacchetti L., Cavalcanti P. et. al. Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica genetica. Sorbona
2. Laposata M. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin
3. Antonozzi I. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin
4. Federici G. Medicina di Laboratorio. Mc Graw-Hill Companies
5. Balestrieri et al. Diagnostica Molecolare nella Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin