Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 10
Taught classes: 70 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course deals with the study of psychiatric semiological aspects of major mental disorders (Axis I and II) and their international diagnostic classification systems (ICD-11, DSM-V), designed to provide students with the basic knowledge of general psychopathological aspects

  • Neurologia

    To acquire knowledge of neurology useful to set up a project of rehabilitation to patients with psychiatric illness


    The purpose of this course is to give students the basics concerning both the main oncological diseases of the digestive system and the most frequent non-oncological diseases.


    The goal of this course is to provide the student with basic theoretical knowledge and specific: emergency medicine, intensive care medicine, toxicology of urgency and homeostatic mechanisms related acid-base balance.


    Accompany the elaboration of a basic vision and innovative of the fundamental questions in the clinic, in particular those pertaining to human construction. The general premise of the development of a subject "normal", with particular reference to the sexual differentiation and the relationship with the parental figures. Particular attention is paid to the social dynamics, to changes in the value system and the relationship between this and the contemporary psychopathology border.

Detailed Course Content


    1. Psychiatry: the theory 2. Psychiatric Semeiology: appearance, motricity, facial expressions, speech, behavior, anamnesis 3. Psychopathology: attention, consciousness, memory, perception, thought, emotion, aggressive or violent behavior, volition, psychomotor activity, intelligence 4. The classification of Mental Disorders: DSM-V and ICD-11 5. Personality Disorders Lo

  • Neurologia
    1. Motor and sensory examinations
    2. Neurological diagnostic test
    3. Vascular disease of the nervous system
    4. Epilepsies and sleep disorders
    5. Encephalophathy
    6. Demyelinating disease of the central nervous system
    7. Dementias
    8. Poststroke Depression, Emotional and Behavioral State
    9. Movement disorders
    10. Disorders of peripheral nerves

    1) alterations of the abdominal wall 2) biliary secretion and jaundice 3) pancreatic secretion and acute pancreatitis 4) Physical examination and diagnostic of the breast 5) Pathophysiology of esophageal motility 6) The neoplastic disease of the digestive system


    BLSD Airway obstruction by foreign body. General and regional anesthesiae. Acid-base balance: pathophysiology, systèmes tampons, gas analysis interpretation, acidosis-alkalosis metabolic and respiratory. Neurologic abnormalities in disorders of supervision: • History • Examination General • Neurological Examination Coma:classification of coma, laboratory tests • Damage intrinsic: intracranial hemorrhage, ischemia,infections (meningitis, abscess, encephalitis), tumors,state hypoxic-ischemic • Poisoning: metabolic coma, by drugs and toxic substances Neurological disorders in the intensive care patient: • Acute asthenia • Generalized convulsions • Neuromuscular disorders Autoimmune diseases Tetanus Acid-base balance Shock


    The history and origins of mental health problems, from a perspective that looks at the human being as a result of the social system as a whole. The function of the mother and the father's role in the development process. Neurosis, psychosis and perversion: diagnosis and guidelines in the therapeutic relationship. Transference and countertransference. The diagnosis of the main manifestations of mental suffering.

Textbook Information


    Psicopatologia e Clinica Psichiatrica (a cura di) G.B. Cassano, E. Mundo, UTET ed., Torino, 2007.

  • Neurologia

    Bergamini-Manuale di Neurologia. Libreria Cortina

    W. G. Bradley - Neurology in Clinical Practice


    CHIRURGIA di RENZO DIONIGI - Editore: Elsevier


    Stoelting K., Miller R.D. BASI di ANESTESIA. A.Delfino Ed.2010

    Giovanni R., Federico B. ARGOMENTI DI ANESTESIA E RIANIMAZIONE. Piccin 2006

    Wijdicks E.F.M. , Rabinsten A. NEUROCRITICAL CARE. Oxford University Press, 2012


    Zalcberg M. Cosa pretende una figlia dalla propria madre. Ed. Mimesis. 2014
    Lolli F. L’epoca dell’inconshow. Dimensione clinica e scenario sociale del fenomeno borderline. Ed. Mimesis, 2012