Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Internal Medicine

    Course Objectives

    The main objectives of the course are as follows:


    -To provide essential knowledge on the physiopathology of the acute and chronic diseases (e.g. chronic intestinal disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, pancreatitis) and to identify their relationship and inter-dependency.


    -To apply these skills to the full spectrum of diseases in human.


    -To develop the transferable skills on acute and chronic diseases (including physiopathology, oral communication with patients, team work, decision making during diseases) between students and patients.

Detailed Course Content

  • Internal Medicine
    • Disturbi del comportamento alimentare ed impatto sulle patologie internistiche principali. Descrizione del corso ed introduzione all’argomento
    • Disturbi alimentari e principali malattie a carico dell’osso.
    • Disturbi alimentari e alterazioni elettrolitiche
    • Disturbi alimentari e crasi ematica: le anemie.
    • Disturbi alimentari e alterazioni endocrino-metaboliche.
    • Patologie polmonari
    • Amenorree secondarie e ipo-fertilità.

Textbook Information

  • Internal Medicine

    Medicina Inetrna Sistematica. C. Rugarli Masson; Elsevier