Ignazio Vecchio

Associate Professor of HISTORY OF MEDICINE [MEDS-02/C]

Prof. Ignazio Vecchio is  Medical Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, at University of Catania, on 25.3.1980, with 110/110 and praise
From academic year 2005 - 2006 obtained the title of "Assistant Professor" (Law 230/2005) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania, to the teachings of Neurology and Bioethics, for degree courses Sanitary , and from 2009 to date, he is "professor Aggregate" holder for the teaching of "History of Medicine" and Bioethics for Master of Science in Medicine, the integrated course of Human Sciences.
In place, is the only teacher of the sector 2 in MED 'University of Catania, only scientific sector, which for the ministerial declaration, according to DM in June 2012, comprising (included)the scientific and educational activities related to bioethics and to the its implications in the  clinical and care activities.
Since 2004, as the legal representative of the 'non-profit organization AIN www.ain-onlus.org (Italian association neuro disabled), it deals at the local and at a national of important projects for the promotion of the fight against neuro disability, some of whom they received the sponsorship of 'University of Catania and the Faculty of Medicine of Catania, on whose site the link figure of' non-profit organization AIN.

ECM has also organized courses for physicians and healthcare professionals, in col-laboration with the 'University of Catania, the General Hospital of Catania and the order of the doctors of Catania, on issues of medical bioethics.
Since 2009, according to the protocol of the organization in January 2009, with the UILDM, (Italian union fight muscular dystrophy), has contributed, with his role of a neurologist, and as a volunteer, to the operation of the surgery for the clinical evaluation of the muscular dystrophies,  at the building 1 of the University Hospital of Catania.
Has played training practical hospital months (6) are, in 1980 at the Institute of Clinical Neurologists c in the "A. Gemelli ", Catholic University of Rome, acquiring skills on special methods address both clinical and neuropsicologi-cal, playing activity welfare and research in the field of Medical Bioethics.
He is specializing in Neurology at University University of Catania , in 1985, with votes 50/50 is praise.
From  2002 in the 2010 is status Researcher confirmed at Department of Neuroscience University from Studies   of Catania refering, later, at the Depart-ment of Medical and Pediatric of the same university ', from 01-11-2010.
He is author of 160 scientific works, published and printed on national and international magazines and journals, many of them with "impact factor", on important topics of the Neurology, Riabilitation, History of Medicine, Bioethics Medical,   journals reviewed on "Scopus", "Isi," "Pubmed", the major search engines in the medical world.

He covers topics related mainly to the Medical Bioethics Neurological Sciences, concerning, electively, euthanasia, the vegetative state , brain death, the living will.
He is Author of 10 books published to Press, some of Which concern important topics of interest of  Bioethics Medical and of History of Medicine.

Topics of interest bioethics, published in prestigious Italian and foreign magazines, concerned the vegetative state, the muscular dystrophies, brain death, ALS, besides' all major systemic diseases and neurological involving medical bioethics.

Has participated in quality 'a speaker,   also doing part of the organizing commit-tee, many Congress, Meetings, Courses of update, Roundtables, for a continuous and  constant updating of professional doctors, health workers, students, and lovers of Neurologia, Bioethics  Medical and History of Medicine.

He is member of the Italian Society of the History of Medicine.

He is member of the Society ”History of Art Health”, appointment obtained by ministerial decree, in Rome.

He is Regional Director of the Sicilian section of the Italian  Society of the History of Medicine and Bioethics.

He is member of the National Executive Council of the Italian Society of the History of Medicine

He is the representative of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine since 2013 at the university organization CINAP (Center for active integration, disability services)

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

He deals with research activities with scientific reports and clinical care aspects relating to the main disabling chronic diseases and complex, systemic, neurological, psychiatric.

He deals with issues of clinical bioethics, with particular reference to chronic and degenerative diseases, their quality of life and their functional stagnation, he is responsible for research projects related to feminicide and stalking, as well as related on the use of weapons and cognitive function.


Planning and organization of the project and award Virdimura against racism, anti-Semitism, feminicide.

Research and retrieval of Jewish medical tradition in Sicily and the Mediterranean.

Research on the history of medicine in Sicily.